Projects commissioned over the Two-day Development Tour of Siana Ward, Narok West Sub county include:
Sekenani Gate water project, Ololchura and Loigero Comprehensive Primary Schools water projects, Enoombuai water project, Keekorok water project, the Mara Simba Bridge and Ranger’s houses.
The Mara Simba Bridge had been swept away by the Elnino rains last year. It is a very vital bridge that connects Sekenani and Talek across the Mara River.
15 rangers houses at the Mara Reserve Rangers Station, six renovated ranger houses at the Sandriver Gate Ranger Station, four houses which will serve as beading stations for the local women who are relying on beadwork as their source of income and ten rangers houses at Keekorok rangers station.
The Governor also presided over the launch of the Maasai Mara National Reserve (MMNR) Conservation Center at Keekorok where MMNR website, logo, and a new annual MMNR magazine were unveiled.
The official launch of stickers for all tour guides. This initiative has been fully funded by the County Government. The Governor presented 200 stickers to the guides, each valid for one year. The annual renewal fees for the stickers is Kshs 10,000.