Office of the Governor
Word From H.E The Governor

Narok County is proud to be a diverse county with rich land, culture, resources, and people. By land mass, Narok County comprises 18,000 square kilometers, and with a population of 1.2 million permanent residents, distributed across 6 sub-counties.
By virtue of power and responsibility vested in ‘me’ by the citizens of Narok. I have undertaken a journey to bring about socio-economic, judicial, political, social, and cultural transformation in the County. I strongly believe that Narok County is not only well endowed to transform the lives of its own citizens but at the same time contribute towards enhancing the lives of many around the world.
In collaboration with various governments and agencies, we have made strides in structural development across various sectors and hit milestones in developing our economy. From construction of hospitals and dispensaries; digging of water pans; to investment in agriculture, and livestock.
As a government we all have to play our role in transforming our regions to accountability. We aim to create a free, just, and equitable society through the advancement of the rule of law that enables free men and women to pursue happiness while respecting the rights of others.
To achieve all these we cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose. We must pull together, stand together, and face the future together. It is my honour to invite you to be part of the transformation journey undertaken by the Narok County Government.