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Carpeting of the Olchorro - Siyapei road by the County's department of Roads

Public Works, Roads & Transport

Background Information

The sector comprises three sub-sectors whose mandates include provision of efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure and services.

The development and provision of efficient transport, Infrastructure and services are critical for socio-economic transformation of Narok County in the medium and long term. The three sub-sectors are: Roads, Transport and Public works.

The vastness of Narok County requires that there be an elaborate road construction programme to open up inaccessible areas to the main road grid.

The improvement of infrastructure is essential in order to continue reaping from tourism which is a leading revenue earner for the County.

The sector mission and vision entails being a countrywide provider of cost-effective public utility infrastructure facilities and services in the areas of public works, roads and transport as well as providing efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure for sustainable economic growth and development.

  • Develop and maintain sustainable transport infrastructure and services to facilitate efficient movement of goods and people.
  • Develop, maintain and manage transport infrastructure to facilitate efficient movement of goods and people while ensuring environmental sustainability.
  • Develop and maintain cost effective public buildings and other public works which are also environment friendly and sustainable in the long term.
  • Strengthen the institutional framework for infrastructure development and accelerating the speed of completion of sector priority projects.
  • Expand, modernize and maintain transport infrastructure.
  • Facilitate the production of decent and affordable housing and enhanced estates management services.
  • Develop and maintain cost effective public buildings and protect land and property from flooding and erosion.
  • Expand, modernize and maintain integrated, safe and efficient transport network.
  • Implementation of policies construction of government buildings.
  • Award and supervise construction works for government buildings.
  • Implementation of policies and guidelines in the maintenance and rehabilitation of government buildings.
  • Implementation of policies and guidelines in the provision of mechanical and electrical building services for government buildings in the county.
  • Implementation of policies and guidelines in the provision of construction and maintenance of other public works in the county.
  • Implementation of policies on road works, quality standards, materials, mechanical and transport services for county roads.
  • Undertake performance and technical audit on road construction and maintenance for county roads.
  • Implement findings on material research and testing to ensure compliance both for Government and Private sector construction and industry on county road works.

Service Charter
