Category Archives: News

The 2024 World Environment Day Marked at Olkinyei Secondary School in Narok West

Narok County joined the rest of World in marking the 2024 World Environment Day at Olkinyei Secondary School in Osenetoi area of Narok West Sub county.

The theme for the 2024 World Environment Day was “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience: Our Land, Our Future. We are Generation Restoration.” The event was graced by H.E. Governor Patrick Keturet Ole Ntutu together with the County Commissioner Mr. Kipkech Lotiatia.

In his statement, Governor Ntutu mentioned that his administration, with the support of several partners, had distributed 20,000 indigenous trees to 20 primary and secondary schools across the county, with 20 churches and 200 farmers also receiving tree seedlings for planting.

” In the spirit of supporting ecosystem regeneration and environmental conservation, my administration, with the support of several partners, has distributed 20,000 indigenous trees to 20 primary and secondary schools across the county, with 20 churches and 200 farmers also receiving tree seedlings for planting. Our target is to plant 4.5 million trees this year and thus far we have planted 1.5 million,” Said Governor Ntutu.

” Our rallying call this year on matters environment is: Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience: Our Land, Our Future. We are Generation Restoration. Together with our worthy partners, including Kenya Forest Service (KFS), ENSDA, Maasai Mara University, NEMA, Nguzo Africa, Action Africa, MMWCA and Greenbelt, I believe that we will restore our ecosystems to self-sustaining ones,” Added the Governor.

World Environment Day is marked annually to create awareness on matters environmental conservation and to rally support for environmental conservation causes.

Narok County Celebrates 61st Madaraka Day With a Focus on Agriculture and Food Security

Narok County marked Kenya’s 61st Madaraka Day on June 1, 2024, with a vibrant celebration held at the William Ole Ntimama Stadium. The event, attended by County Commissioner Mr. Reuben Lotiatia, County Members of Parliament, County Assembly leaders, and Kenyans from all walks of life, focused on the theme of Agriculture and Food Security.

In his speech, Governor Patrick Keturet Ole Ntutu highlighted the historical significance of Madaraka Day while emphasizing the importance of continuing the legacy of freedom fighters by working towards national development. He hailed the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development for organizing a five-day pre-Madaraka Day exhibition at Masinde Muliro Stadium in Bungoma County. Narok County actively participated in this event by sponsoring 140 youths involved in agribusiness to the exhibition. The knowledge gained from this exhibition is expected to elevate the agribusiness landscape in Narok and enhance market linkages for agricultural produce.

Agricultural Sector contributes approximately 48% to the county economy and sustains the livelihoods of over 90% of the population. Governor Ntutu expressed his administration’s commitment to revolutionizing the agriculture sector. He reiterated his unwavering commitment to collaborating with development partners such as the Kenya Agricultural Business Development Program (KABDP), Agricultural Sector Development Support Program (ASDSP II), De-risking Inclusion and Value Enhancement (DRIVE) program, and National Agriculture Value Chain Development Project (NAVCDP) in order to support agricultural production, development and initiatives across the county.

The Governor highlighted the NAVCDP program’s focus on youth engagement in agriculture, with 210 agripreneurs set to be trained in agricultural business opportunities and financial skills. These agripreneurs will support the public agricultural extension sector by educating farmers on good agricultural practices.



Narok County Unveils its Inaugural Inspectorate Team

38 Law Enforcement/Inspectorate Officers from Narok County have graduated from Nashulai Training College in Sekenani in Mara ward, Narok West Sub County. The ceremony was graced by H.E. Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu accompanied by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Forestry Hon. Soipan Tuya.

The training was formulated and delivered by the County Department of Land, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development with an aim of impacting the officers with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively fulfill their roles of maintaining public safety, upholding the rule of law and serving their communities. This inspectorate will play a crucial role in upholding county laws and maintaining order in Narok and Kilgoris Municipalities.

The one-month training focused on various aspects of law enforcement including but not limited to patrol and law enforcement tactics, emergency response procedures, community engagement strategies, investigative techniques and administrative duties with the training curriculum crafted to address the unique needs and challenges faced by law enforcement officers operating within the county’s jurisdiction. 

Governor Ntutu congratulated the officers noting that his administration, through the County Department of Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development, is in the process of finalizing the submission for approval of relevant County specific laws, by laws and regulations to Cabinet and County Assembly namely; Narok County Inspectorate Bill, Narok Municipality By Laws & Narok Land Information Management System Regulations, that will further augment and support the execution of the various roles and responsibilities of the Enforcement officers.

Wildlife Tourism College of Maasai Mara is operational

The Wildlife Tourism College of Maasai Mara is a flagship project initiated by the Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association (MMWCA) in collaboration with various donors, the community and the government. This premier wildlife college marks a significant milestone as the first of its kind in Narok County, succeeding the former Koiyaki Tour Guide School, which began operations in 2007. 

The Wildlife Tourism College of Maasai Mara is located in Mara Ward in Narok West constituency and was officially commissioned by the Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife, Dr. Alfred Mutua accompanied by H.E. Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu. 

During the official commissioning, Governor Ntutu expressed his gratitude to the various donors and development partners who had generously provided  scholarships to the students enrolled at the College and hailed their commitment towards expanding the college further to accommodate even more students. He indicated that the County government will be sponsoring at least 20 students annually through it’s comprehensive county bursary and scholarship program and assured of  the county government’s support towards the construction of additional accommodation spaces to enable the college to expand its capacity from the current 40 students.

Currently recognized as a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institution and duly registered by the Government of Kenya, the college is primed for substantial growth in the days ahead. “I want to encourage all locals to seize this opportunity and further their knowledge and skills in tourism and hospitality,” added Governor Ntutu.


Enhancing Bilateral Cooperation in Agriculture

Narok County Governor H.E. Patrick Ole Ntutu received a delegation from the High Commission of India at his office led by the Secretary of Economic Relations in the Ministry of External Affairs, H.E. Mr. Dammu Ravi and the High Commissioner of India Ms. Namgya C. Khampa for a courtesy call and a follow up meeting aimed at enhancing bilateral cooperation in agriculture.

During the meeting, the teams discussed various investment opportunities in Narok County’s agriculture sector, including maize, wheat, potatoes, sugarcane, coffee, and livestock production, as well as the cultivation of sunflower, canola, and soya beans for edible oils. The teams also examined India’s advancements in agricultural mechanization and processing. It was agreed that establishing processing, milling, and assembling plants in Narok County would be beneficial, with assurance provided regarding investment protection through existing Kenyan laws and regulations.

To further the collaboration, the teams agreed to establish a joint technical team tasked with conducting a feasibility study on interventions needed for various agricultural value chains. This initiative aims to commercialize agricultural production in the county, ensuring maximum benefits for farmers.

Accompanying the delegation were H.E. Mr. Puneet R. Kundal, Additional Secretary, Mr. Prakash Shelat, Under Secretary, and Mr. Nand Kishor, Attache. Representing the County Government at the meeting were CECM for Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries, Joyce Keshe, along with Chief Officers Queen Kimorgo (Livestock), Samuel Teum (Fisheries), and Directors Francis Njogu (Livestock), Vincent Kinyua (Fisheries), and Dr. Gideon Nkeyasha (Veterinary Services).


400 Members of Mulot Kupanda2Grow CBO Graduate 

400 members of the Mulot Kupanda2Grow Community-Based Organization (CBO), domiciled in Ngiito in Ilmotiok ward, have graduated. The graduation ceremony was attended by His Excellency Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu. 

This graduation ceremony was preceded by a rigorous one-week training on dairy farming facilitated by the Kupanda2Grow Foundation which is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) from the Netherlands. As a result of the training, farmers are looking forward to raising their daily milk production to a minimum of ten liters. The income earned from the sale of increased quantities of milk will guarantee the farmers increased income thereby enabling them to sustain their livelihoods. 

Governor Ntutu commended the work done by the NGO revealing that he had procured Artificial Insemination services to enhance the quality of their cattle breeds as had been requested by the members of the CBO. He further noted that the County Government will provide a cooling plant for the farmers to store their milk. He reiterated the County Government’s aim of empowering local farmers, enhancing productivity, and stimulating rural development through strategic investments in modern farming techniques, irrigation infrastructure and access to markets. 

“Furthermore, fostering innovation in agricultural practices and promoting value addition will unlock new opportunities for agribusinesses, generating employment and income for our residents, ” added the Governor.

Narok County Government Lays Groundwork Ahead of The Planned Construction Of A Modern Abattoir In The County

H.E. Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu has traversed Naikarra, Loita and Narok town Wards, commissioning the Olpusimoru sale yard in Naikarra ward and conducting inspection tours of Ilkerin sale yard in Loita ward and Limanet sale yard in Narok town ward. The purpose of these inspection tours was to lay groundwork and to ascertain the readiness of the county to supply the raw materials– livestock — needed to keep the abattoir functioning at optimum levels once it becomes operational.

In the company of some of the key investors in the sector, Mr. Mario Mancini and Mr. Marcelo, from Botswana and senior county government staff, Governor Ntutu expressed Narok county government’s enthusiasm towards the project noting that 90 acres of land has already been set aside at the Limanet slaughterhouse grounds for the construction of the abattoir and modern feeding lots. 

To underscore the readiness of the county government of Narok towards this venture, Olpusimoru sale yard for example, which is the largest sale yard in the County, has the capacity to hold 1,000 cattle and 5,000 goats and sheep, accommodating up to 3,500 traders. Its proximity to the Kenya-Tanzania border gives it this competitive advantage. Ilkerin saleyard, on the other hand, can hold up to 1000 cattle and over 800 goats and sheep. This yard plays an important role in the economy of the area as it supports over 5000 households. It is also equipped with public washrooms and an administration office.

The Limanet slaughterhouse has also served the residents of Narok municipality for decades now. The construction of a modern abattoir at the facility will expand its capacity, elevate the status of Narok county on matters of value addition and increase employment opportunities for the people of Narok county. The facility has also undergone notable face lifts over the past year with the establishment of a borehole at the facility and uninterrupted power supply.

The above mentioned sale yards are among the over 30 sale yards that are spread across the County. Livestock holds a central place in the lives of the people of Narok, transcending economic, religious, and cultural practices. It is crucial to commercialize this vital aspect of the Maasai community to enhance and sustain our livelihoods.

So far, the construction of the first ever industrial park in Narok County is ongoing. The industrial park, whose construction began in September last year, is a joint project between the County Government of Narok and the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade, and Enterprise Development. The industrial park covers 150 acres of land and will include Mega warehouses on 100 acres of land, Cold rooms, Management Offices, a borehole, and a perimeter wall.

The new Narok Industrial park is the much-needed intervention in order to revolutionize economic operations in the County, effectively propelling Narok County into an industrial and processing hub — a promise that Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu’s administration is determined to keep. The employment opportunities that the construction of this park will provide to the people of Narok County, ending post-harvest losses, and the overall impact on livelihoods are just some of the positive ripple effects that this project presents to the people of Narok County.

The ample storage for agricultural produce and the manufacturing component offered by this facility will ensure that agricultural productivity is optimized in Narok County, one intervention at a time. 

Narok Town Bodaboda Riders Get New Shades As Repair and Maintenance of 23 Roads Identified For Upgrade Across the Town Continue

On 13th of February, 2024, His Excellency Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu commissioned boda boda shades and inspected ongoing road maintenance works across Narok town. 

The eight boda boda shades that His Excellency the Governor commissioned today, were a fulfillment of the promise that he made when he attended the Narok Boda Boda Association Annual General Meeting last year at the William Ole Ntimama Stadium where he promised to install boda boda shades at various pick-up points across Narok town. These shades are strategically located at different stages, including Oltalet, ODM market, Narok Municipality bus terminus, and the Total area, among other locations.

While commissioning the shades, Governor Ntutu assured of the county government’s support for the sector — acknowledging the contributions of the sector to the economic growth and development of the County. “Already, we have reduced the monthly sticker charges from Kshs 300 to ksh.200 to cushion our boda boda operators during these harsh economic times,” added Governor Ntutu.

The ongoing repairs and maintenance of the 23 roads was necessitated by the heavy rains that destroyed parts of the roads thereby rendering them impassable and posing significant security threat to residents of Narok town. The county government of Narok, through the department of roads, transport and public works, is working round the clock to ensure that all the ongoing road maintenance works are completed in time.

Today, Governor Ntutu inspected some of these roads namely the Milimani Junction -Fanaka road, Nyawira-Redeemed Church road, Uhuru area, Redeemed Church-Majengo, Mongare among other roads. With an efficient road network, the County Government of Narok is opening up the county for enhanced trade and development.

In Olpusimoru Ward, Narok North Sub County, several roads are also undergoing repair and maintenance including: Shapartarakwa-Olenchoko junction road, Olenchoko-Kamurar road, Kamurar-Olposimoru road, Olpusimoru center-Enkusero center road, Enkusero center-Daraja Mungu road and Olenosira-Entiany road in Olokurto Ward.

The County Government of Narok has been focusing on improving critical road infrastructure within Narok North Sub County as outlined in the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP). The Sub county is a major contributor to the county’s food basket, boasting of significant production of wheat, maize, and potatoes. Prioritizing these roads will not only transform the region’s fortunes but also enhance agricultural activities in the region.

A Model ECDE Center and Four Other Projects Commissioned in Ololulung’a Ward

His Excellency Governor Patrick  Ole Ntutu commissioned five major project in Ololulung’a ward including: a model ECDE center at Ololulung’a day primary school, an ECDE classroom at Olgilai primary school, Olonini 1 & 2 water point, Olorien water point and an administration block at Olashapani girls secondary school.

At Olgilai primary school, Governor Ntutu commissioned a fully equipped, ECDE compliant modern ECDE classroom with a capacity to accommodate 40 pupils. Another major education sector project that was commissioned by His Excellency the Governor was the Ololulung’a modern ECDE centre at Ololulung’a Day Primary School. The centre is one of a kind in the whole County comprising four classrooms, an administration block, septic tank, modern washrooms for teachers and learners and a perimeter wall. This project has been implemented at a cost of Kshs. 14 Million, has the capacity to accommodate 160 learners and has three ECDE teachers employed by the County Government of Narok. The full execution of this project is a testament to the County Government’s commitment to uplifting the education standards in the county.

In response to the need to increase the per capita availability of water in Ololulung’a town and it’s environs, the County Government of Narok embarked on public consultations with the residents to identify mechanisms to ensure that under-served areas receive clean and safe water for use and for their livestock. It was through these consultations that the need to operationalize the Oloirien water point and Olonini water point one and two became evident. These two major water projects in Ololulung’a ward have been fully implemented during the financial year 2022/23 and have been commissioned by Governor Ntutu in Ololulung’a ward.

For Olonini Water Point 1 & 2, a detailed piping channel has been constructed from Masantare tanks which are 6kms away. With this water point now operational, the residents of the area are now guaranteed of an uninterrupted supply of clean water.  The water supply will be enough to serve approximately 1,000 households around the Olonini area including the neighboring Olonini Primary School and will go along way in addressing the challenge of perennial water shortage in the area.

Oloirien water point project serves over 1,500 households in Oloirien area as well as the nearby Oloirien Primary school.This water has been made available through a hybrid piping system spanning eight kilometers from the Masantare water tanks.

Governor Ntutu also officially also opened for operation an administration block at Olashapani Girls Secondary school. This administration block was constructed by the County Government of Narok at a cost of Ksh. 7 million in the 2022-2023 financial year. 

Narok County Government’s commitment to critical infrastructure, such as bridges, is unwavering. The County Government recognizes the pivotal role that bridges play in connecting communities, facilitating commerce, and ensuring safety. Investing in the construction, maintenance, and enhancement of bridges is essential for fostering economic growth. In this regard, Governor Patrick  Ole Ntutu conducted an inspection tour of Masantare Bridge in Ololulung’a Ward. The bridge has been completed and is yet to be commissioned. 

Ololulung’a ward has a total of 20 complete projects including: Oloshapani-Pambanik road, Olorien-Eor Ewaso road, Osotua-Oloisusho-Triangle road, Nkoben Dispensary, among other projects some of which have already been commissioned. 

Governor Ntutu Leads Development Tour of Shankoe Ward

For his second day of development tour across the county, His Excellency Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu traversed Shankoe ward, commissioning and inspecting several development projects that had been scheduled for implementation in the Ward for the 2022/23 financial year.

As a result, two new boreholes in Shankoe ward have now joined the growing list of complete projects that have been officially commissioned by His Excellency  the Governor across the County. Oloshaiki water project has now been successfully completed, providing this essential commodity to Oloshaiki primary school, the local community, and livestock farmers who now have access to watering points for their animals. Emorogi water borehole is another critical project that is currently serving the Emorogi community, Emorogi Primary School, and St. Monica Catholic Church.

The Healthcare sector alongside the Education, Roads, Agriculture, and Water sectors still remain the priority areas for the County Government of Narok in order for it to fully impact the lives of the people of Narok County. During the development tour, Governor Ntutu commissioned the newly completed outpatient facility and washrooms at Shankoe Dispensary. In addition to the outpatient department (OPD) and washrooms, the County Government of Narok has prioritized the construction of a staff house, ensuring that healthcare providers reside within the facility hence guaranteeing round-the-clock patient care and effectively elevating the standards of provision of healthcare services across the County.

The already commissioned projects are just a section of the many projects that had been prioritized for implementation by the residents of Shankoe Ward. Other projects include the construction of Ilmeshuki and Osinoni dispensaries, the completion of the OPD at Olereko Dispensary, the establishment of a staff residence at Ololchani Dispensary, and the construction of a maternity wingat Entargeti Dispensary among several other ongoing projects. Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu’s administration remains committed to prioritizing the implementation of projects as requested bY members of the community.