Municipality of Narok
Background Information
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 9 (1) of the Urban Areas and Cities Act, (No. 13 of 2011) as complemented by Section 72 of the Interpretations and General Provisions Act (Chapter 2) and all other enabling provision of law, the County Government of Narok County granted the Municipality the Municipal Charter on 29th October 2019. The Board of the Municipality shall be a corporate body with perpetual succession and a common seal, where 9 Board Members were gazetted on 20th December 2019.
As provided in Section 4A of the Urban Areas and Cities, the Municipality covers an area of 692km2 and has a population of 117,609 people according to 2019 KNBS Census, i.e.: - Wards of Narok Township (Narok Town & Oleleshwa), Nkareta (Nkareta, Naisuya & Olopito) and part of Ololulunga ward (Ereteti & Nkoben).
Functions of the Municipality
The Municipality of Narok shall, within the boundaries of the Municipality, perform the following functions:
- Promotion, regulation and provision of refuse collection and solid waste management services;
- Promotion and provision of water and sanitation services and infrastructure (in areas within the Municipality not served by the Water and Sanitation Provider);
- Construction and maintenance of urban roads and associated infrastructure;
- Construction and maintenance of storm drainage and flood controls;
- Construction and maintenance of walkways and other non-motorized transport infrastructure;
- Construction and maintenance of recreational parks and green spaces;
- Construction and maintenance of street lighting;
- Construction, maintenance and regulation of traffic controls and parking facilities;
- Construction and maintenance of bus stands and taxi stands;
- Regulation of outdoor advertising;
- Construction, maintenance and regulation of municipal markets and abattoirs;
- Construction and maintenance of fire stations; provision of fire-fighting services, emergency preparedness and disaster management;
- Promotion, regulation and provision of municipal sports and cultural activities;
- Promotion, regulation and provision of animal control and welfare;
- Development and enforcement of municipal plans and development controls;
- Municipal administration services (including construction and maintenance of administrative offices);
- Promoting and undertaking infrastructural development and services within municipality;
- Any other functions as may be delegated by the County Executive Committee Member and provided in the Urban Areas and Cities Act, 2011 and the Urban Areas and Cities (Amendment), Act 2019
Functions of the Municipal Board
The Board of the Municipality shall perform the following functions:
- oversee the affairs of the Municipality;
- develop or adopt policies, plans, strategies and programmes and set targets for service delivery;
- formulate and implement an integrated development plan;
- control land, land sub-division, land development and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose, including industry, commerce, markets, shopping and other employment centres, residential areas, recreational areas, parks, entertainment, passenger transport, agriculture, and freight and transit stations within the framework of the spatial and master plans for the Municipality as delegated by the County Government of Narok;
- Promoting and undertaking infrastructural development and services within Municipality as delegated by the County Government of Narok;
- developing and managing schemes, including site development in collaboration with the relevant national and county agencies;
- maintaining a comprehensive database and information system of the administration;
- administering and regulating its internal affairs;
- implementing applicable national and county legislation;
- entering into contracts, partnerships or joint ventures as it may consider necessary for the discharge of its functions;
- monitoring and, where appropriate, regulating municipal services where those services are provided by service providers other than the Board of the Municipality;
- preparing and submitting its annual budget estimates to the relevant County Treasury for consideration and submission to the County Assembly for approval as part of the annual County Appropriation Bill;
- Collecting rates, taxes levies, duties, fees and surcharges on fees as delegated by the County Government of Narok;
- Settling and implementing tariff, rates and tax and debt collection policies as delegated by the County Government of Narok;
- monitoring the impact and effectiveness of any services, policies, programs or plans;
- establishing, implementing and monitoring performance management systems;
- promoting a safe and healthy environment;
- facilitating and regulating public transport
- Performing such other functions as delegated by the County Government of Narok;
An environmentally, culturally conscious, and well-governed municipality that sustainably uses its resources to economically, socially and culturally empower her residents
Marshal adequate resources for inclusive, harmonious, and sustainable growth and development of the Municipality
PO BOX 898-20500 Narok,Kenya